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Day 6,572

We are given such a great gift to photograph weddings.  We get to share in the joy, anticipation and celebration of the first day of each couple’s marriage.  We document the pre-wedding nerves, the sacred vows of love and the big party after with friends and family.  We are there watching their day one and it is such a beautiful thing to witness.  Yesterday we captured day one for Brendan and Shannon and it was even more special because their wedding was the day before our wedding anniversary.

As we are celebrating day 6,572 together as husband and wife I realize how much those vows you speak really mean.  After 18 years of marriage we can say we have lived the for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer.  We have kept this marriage front and center in our lives no matter how hard it was at times.  As much as I would love to tell you that things will always be easy and that love will always be enough, it isn’t true.  You have to choose marriage.  You have to fight for it.  You have to let love be enough for right now at times.  You have to say, I may not like you right now but I still love you.  There will be days of hurting and days of celebration.  You will disappoint each other.  You will be mad at each other.  You will argue about things that don’t even matter at times.  And there will also be times you will look at this person that you share life with and your heart will swell because you feel so much love for them.  If you stick out the journey together, it may not be perfect, but it will be full of memories and love even when you think there isn’t.  You will watch as those fights and scars turn into strength for the years to come.  I can’t tell you what it is like to truly share a life with someone.  How you feel when you see them hold your first baby in their arms.  How your heart breaks when they battle something hard.  How their arms can comfort you when nothing else does.  You will be amazed at the way Love will change.

If I can tell you one thing I have learned in these 18 years of marriage it is this.  Love is about serving each other.  It’s shown in the little things day after day.  The way he gets me socks when my feet are cold.  The way he still opens doors for me.  The way he lets me sleep in even when he is tired too.  The way he rubs my head until I fall asleep.  The way he picks up things at the store without even having to ask.  The way he reminds me of things that I forget.  The way he takes over bedtime so I can watch gilmore girls.  The way he reminds me of how proud he is of me for working so hard.  The little texts he sends with words of appreciation or support.  The way he stops me when I am stressed out and makes me see how great they really are.  The way he prays for me and with me.  The way he looks at me when I am at my worst and still tells me I am beautiful and that he loves me.  That is what sharing a life is about.

It is so easy to stand at the alter when you are both looking your best and promise to love each other forever.  But living it will be the hardest and greatest thing you ever do.


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comments +

  1. Kristen Lopez says:

    Love this and it’s very true!! Happy anniversary!

  2. Jill says:

    Happy happy Anniversary you guys! Loved reading your thoughts here!

  3. Happy anniversary, you guys!!

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