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The Long Run

Did you know that most small businesses fail within the first five years?

That’s a scary thought!  But I know first hand how hard running a business can be.  Despite the challenges, I have been so blessed to watch this business start as a hobby and turn into a full time career! As I embark on my 10th official year in business, I have reflected on some of the things that have help sustain this business and I wanted to share them with you today!

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1. Willingness to change-
Oh this business has seen many changes over the years. I started in one direction and ended up in another. And while at times I felt a bit undecisive, I now can see that I was just finding my path. Be willing to change and adapt your business. I have changed my business by specialzing, rebranding, and changing our entire mission statement. Anytime I find something that isn’t working well, I change something to fix it!
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2. Continued Learning-
I have continued to invest in my education throughout my career. Whether it be workshops, online courses, reading books, or mentoring. I never stop learning! There is so much great educational content out there!

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3. Focus on serving-
While many people view my work as art, really it is a SERVICE. and that means I have to continue to focus on serving my clients. I love styling details and shooting beautiful couples in love, but at the end of the day, I have to make sure I meet my clients needs and expectations in order to be successful.  I will be the first to admit that this is something I had to learn along the way.  I was so focused in the beginning on nailing a shot I had in mind or shooting something I was interested in.  But slowly, I learned that serving others and getting to know them is what made the photos more meaningful!

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4. Growing slow and steady.

I didn’t jump into this full time but worked my way up to it.  I also spent time growing little pieces at a time. Nurturing the areas of my business that were weak. Being honest with yourself about what you need to work on is one of the biggest pieces of growth! Each year I pick something I need to improve shooting wise and business wise and dedicate myself to it. It has made a HUGE difference. Small steps = great success.

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5. Limiting purchases.

This industry alone is FILLED with things you can purchase. New gear, pre-sets or actions, props, programs, education, etc. It is easy to get wrapped up in “the newest thing” and spend money without thinking it through. I started my business with ONE camera and ONE lens and slowly added to my arsenal as I made money. I have seen a lot of people chase the newest thing and bankrupt their business in the process. Truth is that new thing won’t make your work that much better- but practice and determination WILL! Use what you have until you can either afford something new or find a reason why you can’t live without it.

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out 2015 highlights.

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  1. ashton says:

    SUCH great tips. Even after five years, these things are super important to remember. This industry is always changing and we have to be comfortable changing with it.. without killing ourselves or getting burnt out. Love this post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Amber says:

    These are excellent reminders. Can I get an Amen on continually changing! Small businessing is not for the weary or faint of heart! Great post!

  3. Karen says:

    These are amazing tips and ones I try to follow as well. 🙂

  4. Angie Falangie says:

    Great advice! I’m super guilty of #5…I am an impulsive person and I catch myself buying too much. Thankfully, I have sold off most of the stuff I hardly use that I just had to have!

  5. Bethanne Arthur says:

    So many great tips, so many beautiful images! The first five years is TOUGH, girl! On the day I decided to begin my business, I never thought I’d be where I am today. I am not sure what I expected, but I can honestly tell you that I didn’t think it would be this hard. Owning a business and sustaining that business is exhausting, but in a good way. It’s amazing to see that the work I put in is doing something. It’s bringing more and more people to me, and I get to be a part of peoples’ lives! It’s incredible! I really love point #4!

  6. Raelene Schulmeister says:

    I’m in the same boat as Angie lol. It’s not the gear, it’s who you are and how you serve your clients! Great post!

  7. Jill Marie says:

    Such great advice- and beautiful images! The hustle is real, and it really pays off!!

  8. These are such invaluable tips for anyone fresh in the business – or several years in!!

  9. Congrats!! Great advice for those starting out! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Mahlia says:

    Wow! You really outlined the most key points to running a successful business. Great help to those just getting started as well as seasoned pros.

  11. Misty says:

    These are such great tips and vital to starting a new business!!

  12. These are great tips! I think the focus on serving people is really important. I’ve noticed that people aren’t really thinking about the purpose and the real goal of serving others…it’s just hey let me buy a gift for my client…there’s no genuine thought and effort being put behind it. Which is so sad because we should be loving and serving but in the most genuine way

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